Sunday, May 3, 2015

How is it May already?

Good grief!  This time has gone by muy rapido!  Que problema!  The students are gaining confidence and fluency as we have been really focusing on our core curriculum.  By repeating the vocabulary in various stories both read and acted out, students hear the target language and respond in fun and memorable stories.

In order to encourage accuracy, I encourage students to use the Spanish they know.  The foundation will allow us to expand as our learning adventure continues.

To wrap up the year, students will use the Spanish they have learned to create, edit and share their own mini cuento (story).  As we do this, I will address any unknown grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation in the context of what the students are using specific to their story.  This allows students to both cement what they know and challenge them to learn more formal Spanish structures in a meaningful context.  It also allows some flexibility to account for the various abilities and backgrounds in our great group of estudiantes.

The last class students will have the opportunity to share their stories as narrators and/or actors.  You are invited to be their supportive and proud audience.