Saturday, September 19, 2015

Spanish alphabet song (military style) by Barbara MacAurthur

This is the alphabet song we will be adding to our class warm up.  Spanish is phonetic language so practicing the sounds these letters make directly impacts pronunciation.  It is possible to pronounce just about any word in Spanish once you know you Spanish sounds since Spanish words are "rule followers," not like all of our rebel "rule-breakers" in English!

Monday, September 14, 2015

We had such a great first class together!  We sang days of the week, months of the year and answered calendar questions.  We had a fun round of the "grabbit" game where students sit in a circle with an item in front of them.  The person in the middle has to try to grab the item called out before the person with the item calls out a different one.  We reviewed vocabulary using our Spanish and our actions.  We played a game of matamoscas - where students circled words on a game board competing against a partner.  We ended class with a game of Que Problema!

Reminder: try to bring in a magazine or picture or print out of a feeling face - excited, happy, sad, tired, bored, sick, furious, mad, confused, proud... We are going to use these to make posters and for conversation starters.

Hasta el lunes,
Sra. K.