Monday, September 14, 2015

We had such a great first class together!  We sang days of the week, months of the year and answered calendar questions.  We had a fun round of the "grabbit" game where students sit in a circle with an item in front of them.  The person in the middle has to try to grab the item called out before the person with the item calls out a different one.  We reviewed vocabulary using our Spanish and our actions.  We played a game of matamoscas - where students circled words on a game board competing against a partner.  We ended class with a game of Que Problema!

Reminder: try to bring in a magazine or picture or print out of a feeling face - excited, happy, sad, tired, bored, sick, furious, mad, confused, proud... We are going to use these to make posters and for conversation starters.

Hasta el lunes,
Sra. K.

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