Friday, July 29, 2016

Adios Verano--- Hola Escuela

The summer is coming to an end and a new school year is about to start.  Over summer, <Spanish y mas espanol> was my mantra.  We enjoyed a family vacation including visiting Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  I led a summer Spanish bookclub with a small group of Middle school students.  We read the novel Brandon Brown Quiere un Perro.  I enjoyed a Spanish series on Netflix called El Internado which I highly recommend to all adult Spanish speakers.  It was over 70 hours of listening and watching an interesting and exciting plot unfold- all in Spanish.  (UPDATE: El Internado is not on Netflix anymore-but I hope they bring it back)  For my own personal professional development, I am reading Fluency Through TPR Storytelling by Blaine Ray.  I have been listening to some podcasts called Notes in Spanish.  I was also thrilled to stream a few workshops from the iFLT (international Forum on Language Teaching) conference which was in Chattanooga, TN this summer.  I even enjoyed listening and watching a workshop by Dr. Stephen Krashen. In addition, I also am in the midst of an online course by Karen Rowan and have been exploring the website and material created by Sr. Wooly.

I am so excited about the next year and continuing our language journey.  Exciting news for this year is that my students will be adding Sr.Wooly's fun songs, videos, stories and lessons to our learning options!!!  Each student will have a unique log-in password to access this site.
Here is a link:

Our open house is Monday, August 29th from 6-7:15pm.  Our class family plus their friends, siblings
and family are welcome.  Come and experience TPRS yourself and what is means to aquire a second language in an engaging and fun way!  Please RSVP if you plan to attend.

Thanks for your support and enthusiasm!
Hasta Pronto

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