Monday, January 26, 2015


The Spanish Stars Open House is in 7 days!  The curriculum has arrived.  Anyone who has been a teacher knows that when new curriculum arrives, it is like Christmas.  It is shiny and new... waiting, calling to us to come and explore.  There are promises of excitement and visions of children learning with delight dance in my head.  There is planning to do (and well- probably some cleaning too)!  Being a busy working parent of a nine month old and twin elementary school girls who are scheduled in a variety of activities doesn't leave much time left at the end of a day.  I hope you will excuse my less than perfectly clean house and join us as we jump into Spanish like you may have never experienced it.  TPRS (Total Physical Response Storytelling) is active - it is fun - children will be learning, listening, telling stories, making up their own stories, acting out and even writing in Spanish.  Let's keep that our secret though... it is so natural and inevitable that the students don't even realize they are actually communicating and even creating in Spanish.   It is the kind of memorable, personal learning us teachers and parents dream about... so thanks in advance for helping me make my dreams come true to teach again this fun and exciting program.

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